Long and Eventful History
The SMGH Auxiliary has a long and eventful history going back over 124 years. Auxiliary volunteers help to support the needs of the hospital. Since our inception, we have donated over $2M for much needed patient care equipment, and almost $1M since 2009. Today we run a friendly and welcoming gift shop with a variety of seasonal handmade local craftworks, such as knitting and fabric arts. We have ladieswear and accessories, toiletries, lovingly used books, and assorted treats. Handmade cards for all occasions can also be found on our shelves. Auxiliary members are part of the team that creates the wonderful gift items, and we are always receptive to donations of yarns and fabrics. The Gift Shop is open on weekdays from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Good News!
We have a new automated coffee machine available 24/7 and located at the Java Hut Coffee Kiosk in the main lobby of the hospital. In addition to coffee, we can dispense specialty drinks such as delicious lattes, espresso, or hot chocolate anytime of day or night. The machine takes tap for payment with both debit and credit cards accepted.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jane Lumsden, and I am a new resident to Strathroy since 2020.
My husband and I were drawn to the charm of our small town after visiting many times to golf on our way to our summer place in Ipperwash. As a retired teacher and principal from the GTA, I was looking to become a contributing member of the community through volunteering. A close friend spoke to me about the Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Auxiliary (SMGH).
I was so excited about the opportunity to give back in a positive way and to meet more of the community. I began volunteering in the gift shop a year ago and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many people. What a wonderful experience it has become! I have now accepted the position of President Elect of the SMGH Auxiliary and look forward to the future of this valuable volunteer organization.
If you are interested or want more information. please contact me at strathroyhospitalauxiliary@gmail.com or the Foundation Office at 519-246-5906 and leave a message, an auxiliary member will get back to you with more information!