Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions?
We have answers.

Explore the common questions we receive about the Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation or SMGH Foundation, donations, and our work in enhancing healthcare in Strathroy and Middlesex County.

About the Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation or SMGH Foundation

The Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing healthcare in our community. We raise funds to support the purchase of patient care Equipment, and improve healthcare facilities.

Yes, we are closely affiliated with Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital. We work in partnership with the Hospital to ensure our community’s healthcare needs are met.


You can make a donation through our website by clicking on the “Donate Now” button. We also accept donations by phone, mail, and in person.

Explore Ways to Give

Yes, your donations to the Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation or SMGH Foundation are tax-deductible. We issue official tax receipts for all eligible donations.

Foundation’s Work

Funds raised by the Foundation are primarily allocated to patient care Equipment, facility improvements, and healthcare initiatives.

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We welcome volunteers to assist with events, administrative tasks, community outreach, and patient support.

Learn More About Volunteering

Absolutely! Community organizations can explore Corporate Partnerships and Fundraising Events to collaborate with us in supporting healthcare in our community.

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Contact Us

If you have additional questions or need more information, please contact us. We’re here to help and provide the information you need.

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