Get Involved

Join us in Shaping the Future

We’re enthusiastic about the progress we’ve made and the opportunities that lie ahead. Your support is crucial in bringing these projects to life and ensuring the continued improvement of healthcare services.

Stay tuned for updates on these projects and be part of the positive change we’re creating together.

Join Us in Making a Difference – Fundraising Events and Campaigns

At the Strathroy Hospital Foundation, we host various fundraising events and campaigns throughout the year to engage our community and raise essential funds for our healthcare initiatives. These events are not only fun and inspiring but also crucial in building a healthier community.

Want to hear about volunteer opportunities be on our mailing list to receive updates on what is happening?


Get Involved
3 individuals helping each other with boxes

Get Involved

Your participation in our fundraising events and campaigns plays a vital role in achieving our mission. Whether you attend an event, make a donation, or join one of our campaigns, your involvement is valued and appreciated.

Volunteer and Make a Difference

At the Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation, we value the contributions of volunteers who share our commitment to enhancing healthcare at SMGH. Your time, skills, and dedication can make a significant impact on our mission. Explore the various ways you can get involved.

Volunteer Opportunities

Become a Board Member: You will join a group of like minded professionals who share the vision of the foundation.

Event Support: Assist in organizing and running our fundraising events. Your help is essential in ensuring these events run smoothly and successfully.

Community Outreach: Become an ambassador for the foundation in the community. Raise awareness, answer questions, and inspire others to support our mission.

Administrative Support: Provide valuable assistance in our office, helping with tasks such as data entry, correspondence, and administrative work.

Why Volunteer with Us?

Make a Difference: Your contributions directly impact healthcare in our community, improving the lives of individuals and families.

Join a Community: Our volunteer team is a close-knit community of individuals who share your passion for giving back.

Personal Growth: Volunteering provides an opportunity to learn new skills, gain valuable experience, and develop a sense of fulfillment.

Flexible Commitment: We understand the demands of modern life, so we offer flexible volunteer opportunities to fit your schedule.

How to Get Started

If you’re interested in volunteering with us, please reach out to our team.
We’ll discuss your interests, skills, and availability to find the best volunteer opportunity for you.
We look forward to welcoming you to our community of caring volunteers.

Your Time, Our Gratitude
People with masks on looking through boxes
Your Time, Our Gratitude

Volunteers are the heart of our foundation. Your dedication, enthusiasm, and support are invaluable in achieving our mission and building a healthier community.

Corporate Partnerships and Sponsorships

At the Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation, we believe in the power of collaboration. Partnering with businesses and organizations in our community is essential to achieving our mission of enhancing healthcare. We offer various opportunities for corporate partnerships and sponsorships:

Why Partner with Us?

Community Impact: Your partnership directly supports the well-being of our community by improving healthcare services and facilities.

Positive Visibility: Align your brand with a noble cause and gain recognition for your commitment to community health.

Employee Engagement: Engage your employees in meaningful volunteer and fundraising activities, fostering a sense of pride and teamwork.

Corporate Responsibility: Fulfill your corporate social responsibility by investing in the health and wellness of the community where your business operates.

Ways to Partner with Us

Event Sponsorship: Support one of our fundraising events by becoming an event sponsor. We offer various sponsorship levels, each with unique benefits for your business.

Program Support: Fund specific healthcare programs or initiatives that align with your corporate goals and values.

In-Kind Donations: Contribute goods, services, or expertise to help us achieve our mission.

Employee Engagement: Encourage your employees to get involved through volunteer opportunities, workplace giving programs, or team-building events.

Recognition and Benefits

In recognition of your support, we offer a range of benefits, including but not limited to:

Brand visibility on our website, social media, and promotional materials.

Recognition at events and in press releases.

Customized partnership opportunities to meet your specific goals.

Let’s Discuss Partnership

If you’re interested in exploring corporate partnership or sponsorship opportunities with the Strathroy Hospital Foundation, please get in touch with our team. We’ll work with you to create a partnership that benefits both your business and our mission.

Together, We Can Make a Difference
Together, We Can Make a Difference

By joining hands with the Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation, your business becomes an integral part of building a healthier, stronger community. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate for the greater good.

Get Involved: Be Part of Something Meaningful

The Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital Foundation welcomes the active involvement of individuals and community organizations in our mission to enhance healthcare at SMGH. Here are various ways you can join us and make a meaningful impact:


Donate: Your one-time or recurring donation supports our ongoing projects and initiatives. Every contribution, no matter the size, matters.

Donate Now

Volunteer: Consider giving your time and skills to support our events and campaigns, assist in the office, or provide comfort to patients and families.

Volunteer Now

Legacy Giving: Include the Strathroy Hospital Foundation in your will or estate plans to leave a lasting impact on healthcare in our community.

Learn More About Legacy Giving

Community Outreach: Be an advocate for the foundation. Share our mission with friends and family, as well as on social media. Help raise awareness about the vital work we do.

Community Organizations

Corporate Partnerships: Collaborate with us through event sponsorships, program support, in-kind donations, and more. Align your organization with a noble cause.

Contact Us for Partnership

Fundraising Events: Organize a fundraising event to support our mission. It’s an engaging way to rally your employees, members, and supporters behind a shared goal.

Host an Event

Education and Awareness: Host workshops or seminars in partnership with us to educate the community about health-related topics.

Get Involved in Education

Community Engagement

We value the passion and energy of our community members. Your involvement helps us build a healthier, stronger community. Whether you’re an individual looking to make a difference or a community organization seeking a partnership, we encourage you to reach out.

Let’s Connect

If you’re interested in getting involved or have any questions about how you can contribute to our mission, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to assist you and welcome your commitment to enhancing healthcare at SMGH.

Together, We Can Build a Healthier Future
Together, We Can Build a Healthier Future

Your support and involvement are the foundations of our work. Together, we can create a brighter, healthier future for our community.

Reach Out to Learn More

Tara Coote, CFRE

Development Coordinator

519-246-5906 ext. 5026