Significant Community Investment Required for Magnetic Resonance Imaging – MRI

MRI is desperately needed in our community. With your support we can reduce wait-times and travel for patients providing MRI scans close to home. MRI will provide a brighter future for the patients in our community.

In December 2021, the Ministry of Health announced priority investment for operational funding for fifteen new MRI scanners across the province of Ontario. The installation of a new MRI scanner at Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital would help implement shared regional strategies and improve patient centered quality care. We would be able to make great strides in cutting down wait lists for people and delivering services faster, better, and closer to home.

The key service programs that would utilize MRI at SMGH include General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, ENT, Urology, and primary and secondary Oncologic surgery through several of the surgical specialties. In addition, a unit in Strathroy would allow for decanting some of the volumes away from the LHSC/SJHC sites in London, to address their overall wait times and help with regional performance.

Annual operational funding has been approved by Ontario Health and will be implemented once the equipment is up and running. Ontario Health has not provided funding for neither the equipment purchases nor the renovation costs.