$185,000 Donor Investment Required
Our physicians and medical staff quite literally get to see what is going on inside your body, helping to accurately determine the required course of treatment. Some of our machines are better suited for breast or obstetrical exams, while others are designed for vascular and general imaging. This has a positive impact on our workflow and productivity.
Currently, we have three ultrasound machines in the department. These machines are nearing the end of their life and need replacement. The recommended life span for an ultrasound machine is 7 years.
Our units are 8 to 9 years old. Modern technologies provide advanced image quality, faster processing times, and improved workflow and ergonomics. The three new machines will provide state-of-the-art scanners that are able to do any type of ultrasound procedure. This will give us better flexibility to meet the needs of our patients.

The wait time for ultrasound examinations has increased significantly over the past 2 years. There are three major contributing factors including a growing and aging population, the preference of ultrasound as a non-invasive diagnostic tool and the continuing patient back-log due to COVID-19.